Sunday, September 17, 2017

One Day Full Presi Traverse

One day - 23 miles give or take depending on your path and summit the following peaks:

(*Not on 4000 footer list due to precipice rule)

The weather could not have been better lower 60s, clear with light winds.  We still prepared for the worse in terms of gear but completed most of the hike in tank/short sleeve shirts.  We begin at 3:30 am with headlamps and finished with headlamps on the Crawford path descent which at times seemed endless. My very patient husband waited for us at the Highland Center with champagne.  We arrived at 7:30.

My hiking partner was Sarah Elia a great friend who unfortunately due to the daily commitments of life I have not spent much time with in recent years.  I feel like reconnecting with friends is a big part of what this empty nest hiking quest is about - not so much about bagging peaks.  Sarah pushed though the pain of blistered feet - not sure I could have pushed through like she did.  I am sure her hiking boots are in the trash this am. 

Thank you Lynn Campbell Fitch for sharing your great home allowing us to be a bit closer to the trailhead for our planned 3:30 am start.  We limited ourselves to one glass of wine the night before - enough to help us get some sleep before our 2:00 am wake up 

We hiked Valley Way trail up Madison in 3 hours to catch the sunrise.  We were only afraid a few times  by both the large toads on the trail and a few bear shadows.  When we arrived Madison was in the clouds but then cleared just for us :) - the first of many great views!
A great hiking partner
Mt Adams was the only peak which was clouded in during our summit.  The sun just needed a bit of time to burn off the clouds 
As we approached Jefferson the clouds began to lift...
Lifted a bit more...
...and the rest of the day looked like this....   
Amazing view from Mt Jefferson - Peak #3
Peak #4 - Some hikers will skip Mt Clay, as it is not one of the 48 4000 footers.  This is not about peak bagging for me but rather spending time doing something I love, with people I care about in the beautiful outdoors.

Peak #5 - Washington - it is a little weird to see so many people and cars 

Also Mt Monroe 
After the hike down Washington to the Lake of the Clouds hut our feet (especially Sarah's blistered feet) were feeling in on the rocks. 

The quick ascent up Monroe (#6) was a nice relief

We thought this was Mt Franklin - not a president I know but on our path - however this really may have been the second peak of Monroe.  We do know at some point we traversed over the small precipice of Franklin (#7).  Our growing fatigue is visible in this photo.
Looking toward the hike to Eisenhower and Pierce - that peak looked larger than I wanted it to be 
Mt. Eisenhower - the hike up was not as bad as it looked from afar.  Actually going up was preferable to stepping down the rocky paths as our feet and legs were screaming.
FINALLY - MT PIERCE!  Now we just need to get down.  This was not as easy as we hoped.  The trail was quite wet and rocky and felt much longer than the stated distance.  We had to put our headlamps back on toward the end. 

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My loving husband not only sat waiting in the Highland Center Parking lot for 3 and 1/2 hours but also brought us champagne to celebrate our finish.  We did not open it last night as Sarah had to drive herself home.  Richard and I opened it today to celebrate.  Sarah we will have to have a celebratory night out soon!!!!

This was an awesome day! There were moments of pain, fatigue and frustration but the weather, views, and company made it all worth it.  Thanks Sarah 

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